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Top Ten Reasons To Be CPR Certified

Top Ten Reasons To Be CPR Certified

Acquiring a CPR certification is one of a person's most important life decisions. With most cardiac arrests in the United States happening outside the hospital, you need to gain the skills and knowledge required during such an emergency. At Quick CPR, we believe in equipping individuals with pertinent information and skills through our highly-customized CPR classes. Here are some of the reasons you need to get in touch with our experts and start your journey towards becoming a CPR-certified member of the community.

CPR Saves Lives

Most people are under the false notion that you need to be a medical professional or healthcare personnel to save a life of a cardiac arrest victim, but that is not the case. The chances of survival of a cardiac arrest victim depend on how fast they can access the needed emergency care. CPR certification gives the victim a fighting chance before professional medics arrive on the scene.

Anyone Can Get Trained.

There's no education or age limitation to signing up for CPR classes, meaning anyone can gain these life-saving skills. Regardless of where a cardiac arrest emergency occurs, you can rise to the occasion, giving the victim a higher chance of making it.

Emergencies Can Occur Anywhere.

The mortality rate of cardiac arrest victims outside the hospital setting has increased over the past few years, indicating a lack of training by most people. That's why Quick CPR encourages all who have not yet signed up for onsite or online CPR classes to do so before the number continues to rise.

CPR Prevents Brain Death

When a victim goes into cardiac arrest, his vital organs are at risk of experiencing a severe collapse, or worse, death. The brain is usually at risk of becoming permanently damaged, affecting their normal body function. Acquiring a CPR certification goes a long way in preventing further brain damage, giving the victim a fighting chance.

CPR Gives the Confidence to Save Lives

After completing your CPR classes and becoming certified, you can provide quality emergency care where needed. CPR certification offers the expertise to take on any emergency; head-on. This gives you the confidence to save lives during an emergency, compared to someone without the proper training.

CPR is Crucial During Cardiac Arrest Cases

Most people fail to distinguish other health emergencies from cardiac arrest, leading to the wrong emergency care. CPR certification ensures you can skillfully distinguish them and provide the needed care. The ability to detect a cardiac arrest case allows you to save a life.

CPR Boosts Self-Worth

Whether your occupation requires you to undergo CPR certification or not, the skills learned can boost your value and self-worth. At Quick CPR, we ensure that learners acquire a wealth of knowledge and new skills that they didn't have before.

CPR Prevents Panicking and Offers Hope

There's usually a lot of anxiety and panic when faced with a medical emergency, mostly because of the lack of skills and information to handle the situation. A CPR certification can remedy that by ensuring you are on top of any emergency.

There are many other reasons you should consider signing up for CPR classes, from occupational requirements to performing rescue breathing. Contact us today at Quick CPR, and schedule an appointment with the experts.